Blog Posts in Lighting

If the lights in your business are on their way out, making a change to your ballasts or bulbs may offer you tremendous opportunity. There’s a lot to consider when selecting the right ballast and bulb combination, however, and the decision you make today will affect your business for years to...Continue Reading

Your lights and appliances are working fine, so that means your wiring is too, right? Not so much. Seldom inspected after installation, the wiring in your home may need an update, especially if your home is more than 40 years old.

Why update wiring?

Installing sufficient wiring...Continue Reading

Fully automated homes offer the ultimate in Smart Home Technology, boasting George Jetson-like advancement once believed to be many years in the future.

Today’s Smart Home Technology offers everything from Wi-Fi home thermostats, to wireless door locks and outlets that can be turned on...Continue Reading

Looking to create the perfect romantic Valentine’s Day atmosphere for your sweetheart? The best and simplest way to create a romantic atmosphere is with lights!

Let Your Love Shine with These Valentine's Day Inspired Lighting Ideas

Add Ambiance with a Dimmer

Adding...Continue Reading

Low-energy LED lighting technology is the wave of the future. Are you still in the dark? Let us help you separate the facts from the hype surrounding this increasingly popular lighting option.

LEDs Last Forever...Continue Reading

Are you looking for energy saving tips to help your business reduce annual energy costs? Businesses consume far more lighting energy than homes, so if you’re looking for a simple and cost-effective place to start, addressing your business’s lighting solutions offers ample opportunity.

...Continue Reading

By: Jason Lee

It’s that time of year again. Everyone is making resolutions, turning over a new leaf, and looking to make this year better than the last. Make this year great by making sure the leaf you’re turning over is green and consider solar power and the benefits it could bring to...Continue Reading

By: Kellie Pearson

The future looks bright here at Mr. Electric®, and we hope the same for you! As you are mentally preparing for the New Year ahead, maybe you are planning your goals and resolutions for personal development and improvement. We also want to encourage you to...Continue Reading

Christmas has come and gone, and the New Year has arrived. Mr. Electric wishes all of our customers a happy and healthy 2015! In efforts to promote safety and peace of mind for you and your family, we have a few tips to keep in mind when you’re taking down all your holiday décor this weekend....Continue Reading

If you're like most Americans, you probably still have a quite a few incandescent lightbulbs throughout your home. Cheap, effective, and easy to use, incandescent lightbulbs provide the second most used form of lighting in the world today behind fluorescent bulbs. The history of the...Continue Reading