Motion Sensor Security Lights Installation and Service

Motion sensor security lights detect and respond to signals such as movement, light, and temperature. Once they detect the correct input, they illuminate. This allows you to walk around your home safely at night, or make you aware of a potential intruder.

Using motion sensors, such as those used in security lights and room occupancy sensors, can help you create a safer, more energy efficient environment for both your home and business.

Want to learn more about the different types of motion sensors and their functions? Read on to see how these lights can help you improve the safety and value of your home or place of business:

Outdoor Motion Sensors: The Security Light

Security lights are typically located by your home’s front door, garage, or side yard, and are turned on by a motion sensor. They are most effective when installed over all exits and entrances to your home or business. There are many benefits to adding a light with a motion sensor, such as:


When someone forgets to leave a light on, finding a keyhole in the dark can seem like a gargantuan task. Simply adding a light with a motion sensor can prevent this annoying problem.


By adding a light with a motion sensor, homes and businesses are kept safe from would-be intruders from dawn to dusk. Lights kicked on by sensors offer the added bonus of startling trespassers away from your well-lit outdoor space — no intruder wants to be under the spotlight for the whole neighborhood to witness.


Adding safety features such as security lights reduces your chances of both burglary and accidents, lowering your insurance costs. In addition, using a light with a motion sensor means you won’t have to pay electricity for lights you aren’t using, as timers turn off lights following set periods of inactivity.

Curb Appeal

Security lighting is a great addition to outdoor décor and makes your home or business look well maintained and secure.

Motion Sensors Inside Your Home: Room Occupancy Sensors

Occupancy sensors are mounted on ceilings or walls and use a motion sensor to detect when a room is occupied in order to turn off lights in unoccupied spaces after a set period of inactivity. There are many different types of occupancy sensors. Some adjust lighting based on the amount of daylight available. Others are made specifically for bathrooms, stairways, and halls, which tend to be in use for shorter periods of time than other areas of a building.

Occupancy sensors offer benefits to both homes and businesses, such as:

Energy Efficiency

Occupancy sensors reduce lighting energy consumption from 15% to 90% depending on the type of lights used and the amount of traffic in the area. They are great for spaces that are intermittently occupied. In fact, adding these features to areas that are sporadically occupied offers the most savings, with some areas, such as bathrooms, offering over 90% savings on lighting. Start with areas that can go empty for hours at a time such as bathrooms and break rooms before addressing high traffic areas such as living rooms and cubicle offices.


Thanks to the invention of the motion sensor, you will no longer have to fumble for switches in the dark or use your elbow to turn on light switches when your hands are full.


Occupancy sensors prevent accidents and increase security in areas like stairwells and bathroom stalls by providing adequate lighting.


If you earned a dime for every time you posted a note to coworkers or told your kids to turn off a light, would you be rich? For those tired of feeling like a broken record in the effort to save money on the monthly utility bill, occupancy sensors offer both sanity and money saving solutions.

To improve the efficiency and safety of your home or business with the help of motion sensors, contact Mr. Electric®. Our professional technicians can help you find the perfect solutions for all of your residential and commercial lighting needs.