Electrical Wiring Updates & Upgrades

Installing sufficient wiring goes beyond safety – it also means enhancing your home’s functionality, reliability, and ability to keep up with today’s ever-increasing power needs.

The wiring in your home, seldom inspected after installation, may need an update, especially if your home is more than 40 years old. Updating your wiring reduces your risk of electric shocks, tripped breakers, and residential fires. In short, keeping your wires in line with the times can keep you safe and your power flowing efficiently.

Improve your house and your safety with updated home wiring from Mr. Electric®.

Signs Your Home Wiring Needs Upgrades

There are many signs that it’s time for a home wiring upgrade, including:

1. You Have Old House Wiring

Fully rewiring a house is a large, complex project. Fortunately, old house wiring doesn’t always have to be completely replaced. The prime candidates for replacement are aluminum wiring used in the ‘60s and ‘70s, non-metallic wiring installed in the ‘40s and ‘50s, and knob and tube wiring in pre-1930s homes. All of these types of wiring present notable safety hazards, as do loose connections and frayed wires due to botched DIY alterations or wear and tear over time.

2. You Have Two-Pronged, Ungrounded Outlets

Two-prong outlets are an enormous safety hazard – for you and your electronics. Without proper grounding, electrical excesses have nowhere to go but into your devices – or you – even if you have a surge protector. Reduce shock risks by having grounded wires and three-prong outlets installed.

3. You Are Missing GFCIs

Identified by the “TEST” and “RESET” buttons on receptacles, GFCIs protect against shock in high moisture areas. They are currently required in bathrooms, kitchens, laundry rooms, utility rooms, garages, spa/pool areas, unfinished crawlspaces/basements, and any electrified areas outside of your home. If you’re lacking these inexpensive, easy-to-install devices in any of these important areas, you may be in for a shocking experience.

4. You Are Missing AFCIs

AFCIs prevent electrical fires by acting as a circuit breaker, which disconnects in the event of a potentially dangerous arc. They are required in bedrooms in all 50 states, and some states require them in all circuits throughout the home.

5. Your Appliance Outlets Are Inadequate

Household appliances didn’t always have special plugs. But today, a 240-volt outlet is required for each oven, clothes dryer, and other heavy-duty appliance. Older 240V plug wiring features three prongs, but the most up-to-date 240V plugs have four prongs due to the addition of a ground wire for improved safety.

6. Your Home’s Electrical Panel Is Insufficient

How many amps power your home? Just a couple of decades ago, 60-amp circuit breaker wiring may have been sufficient. However, today’s homes often need 100 to 200 amps to successfully operate all the appliances and electronics you use simultaneously, from mobile devices and flat screen televisions to your refrigerator and air conditioner. The best way to meet your home’s growing energy needs is to have upgraded breaker box wiring installed.

FAQs about Wiring Updates

How often should electrical wiring be updated?

A home should have its wiring updated about every 25 years. While modern electrical systems might last longer than that, you should at least have your wiring inspected by a professional electrician in order to confirm that nothing is damaged, worn out, or outdated.

How do you update old electrical wiring?

Updating old wiring is a task best left to professionals. Electricians know how to replace faulty wiring safely and also know what to look for when inspecting a home. They can even tell you if a functional piece of wiring is out of date.

What are the signs of bad electrical wiring?

There are many signs of bad wiring in a home. Some of the most common include:

  • Flickering lights
  • Dimming lights when vacuuming
  • Scorching
  • Warm outlets
  • Frequent outages (not related to weather)
  • Buzzing sounds from outlets and walls

Should old wiring be replaced?

Wiring should be inspected if it is more than 25 years old. In particular, many of the wiring types and techniques used prior to 1980 have been deemed unsafe by modern standards. A professional can evaluate your electrical system and recommend whether your old wiring needs to be replaced.

How do I know if my home’s electrical wiring needs to be updated?

If you frequently experience tripped circuits or deal with dimming lights, buzzing noises, and other issues, then your home wiring likely needs to be updated. Call an electrician for a professional inspection before you spend the money needed to replace wiring. An electrician can let you know if your issue is just one small problem in an otherwise OK home wiring situation, or if it requires a full replacement.

Do I need to hire an electrician to update or upgrade my electrical wiring?

Yes. Unless you yourself are a professional electrician, you should hire a pro to update your wiring. Upgrading home wiring is a time consuming and complex task that if done wrong can lead to serious issues down the line. Don’t risk your safety, your family’s safety, and the safety of any future occupants in your home. Call an electrician to do any major home wiring work.

Contact Mr. Electric for Home Wiring Upgrades

Upgrading your wiring to meet modern standards will protect your family and home; ensure the smooth, efficient operation of all things electrical; and increase the value of your property. Call Mr. Electric at 844-866-1367 or schedule an appointment online for an electrical safety and wiring inspection today.